CITMIC User Guide

Xilong Zhao, Junwei Han



This vignette illustrates how to easily use the CITMIC package. Here, we present a network-based computational approach, CTMIC, estimate cell infiltration by integrating gene transcriptomic data and individualized cell interaction network.

This network-based method major parts:

Calculate cell infiltration.

The function CITMIC is used to calculate the Cell infiltration(lnScore). This function requires users to input the gene expression matrix and the damping is the restart probability of random walk. These sample data are stored in this package.

The commands are as follows:

# Obtain the example data
# Calculate the zscore
##                        TCGA.EE.A2GJ.06A TCGA.EE.A2GI.06A TCGA.WE.A8ZM.06A
## Activated B cell              0.4155478        0.5319714        0.1549675
## Activated CD4+ T cells        0.6105840        0.6376140        0.3149371
## Activated CD8+ T cells        0.3987288        0.4678214        0.1503589
## aDCs                          0.9157299        0.9146414        0.8568350
## Adipocytes                    0.2190414        0.3170802        0.4874105
## Angiogenesis                  0.5762410        0.5273987        0.6974899
##                        TCGA.DA.A1IA.06A TCGA.D3.A51H.06A
## Activated B cell              0.1314579        0.7365269
## Activated CD4+ T cells        0.4463615        0.7212100
## Activated CD8+ T cells        0.2170825        0.5600082
## aDCs                          0.9070054        0.9060217
## Adipocytes                    0.3171054        0.2778043
## Angiogenesis                  0.5255911        0.5043280