RSpectra: Solvers for Large-Scale Eigenvalue and SVD Problems

R interface to the 'Spectra' library <> for large-scale eigenvalue and SVD problems. It is typically used to compute a few eigenvalues/vectors of an n by n matrix, e.g., the k largest eigenvalues, which is usually more efficient than eigen() if k << n. This package provides the 'eigs()' function that does the similar job as in 'Matlab', 'Octave', 'Python SciPy' and 'Julia'. It also provides the 'svds()' function to calculate the largest k singular values and corresponding singular vectors of a real matrix. The matrix to be computed on can be dense, sparse, or in the form of an operator defined by the user.

Version: 0.16-2
Depends: R (≥ 3.0.2)
Imports: Matrix (≥ 1.1-0), Rcpp (≥ 0.11.5)
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppEigen (≥
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, prettydoc
Published: 2024-07-18
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.RSpectra
Author: Yixuan Qiu [aut, cre], Jiali Mei [aut] (Function interface of matrix operation), Gael Guennebaud [ctb] (Eigenvalue solvers from the 'Eigen' library), Jitse Niesen [ctb] (Eigenvalue solvers from the 'Eigen' library)
Maintainer: Yixuan Qiu <yixuan.qiu at>
License: MPL (≥ 2)
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: README NEWS
In views: NumericalMathematics
CRAN checks: RSpectra results


Reference manual: RSpectra.pdf
Vignettes: Large-Scale Eigenvalue Decomposition and SVD with RSpectra


Package source: RSpectra_0.16-2.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): RSpectra_0.16-2.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): RSpectra_0.16-2.tgz, r-release (x86_64): RSpectra_0.16-2.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): RSpectra_0.16-2.tgz
Old sources: RSpectra archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: BioNAR, fad, onlinePCA, pPCA, SKAT, SmartSVA
Reverse imports: bamm, bigstatsr, bigutilsr, blapsr, bspcov, castor, ClimMobTools, cvCovEst, ddpca, destiny, dtwclust, fase, fastadi, fastRG, filling, funcharts, fungible, fuser, gasper, GhostKnockoff, Gmedian, greed, gsbm, HCD, HDANOVA, HDMFA, HiContacts, Holomics, HyperG, IALS, ILoReg, kbal, knockoff, kpcalg, lfa, lfmm, locStra, LSX, maotai, markerpen, MatrixCorrelation, mina, miRNAss, missSBM, motifcluster, multiblock, multiness, multivarious, NetworkDistance, NetworkReg, nipalsMCIA, OLCPM, OPTtesting, pcadapt, phylter, PlackettLuce, qlcVisualize, quanteda.textmodels, rags2ridges, rainette, randnet, rARPACK, Rdimtools, Rfssa, RGMM, rhype, RMLPCA, RobRegression, ScorePlus, scPCA, scTenifoldKnk, scTenifoldNet, SDPDmod, Seurat, SGCP, SIMLR, SISIR, smartsnp, sparsegl, sparseLRMatrix, SpectralClMixed, SplitKnockoff, textmineR, TopicScore, ubms, umap, uSORT, uwot, veloviz, Vicus, Voyager, vsp
Reverse linking to: autoFRK, fad, Gmedian, markerpen, oem, WpProj
Reverse suggests: bigsnpr, butcher, celltrackR, countland, dimRed, epca, ggmix, hydra, InspectChangepoint, lme4breeding, nett, recipes, redist, rSPDE, Rssa, sommer, spaMM, spatialreg, spdep, treestats, yacca


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